Hey Parents! How are you? I am doing pretty good. Sorry about the email last week, i don't know why it didn't work. Wow this week has been another crazy week. This one was even busier than last week! It has been good though. We had zone conference and interviews with President Burton and they were both really good. For zone conference we went on a hike up in the mountains and it was soo amazing. We got to the top and you could see out over Seoul it was way pretty. My interview with President Burton was good except he seems to think that i am an amazing missionary because Elder Andersen and the zone leaders like to talk me up and make me sound pretty sweet. Haha i try to tell him that he will be disappointed when Elder Andersen isn't my companion and i can't do anything but he doesn't listen to me. Lets see other than that, we it was just the same old stuff this week. We taught 33 lessons and did a bunch of street contacting too. Street contacting isn't my favorite thing in the world but i guess that its better than knocking on doors all day. We have only knocked doors once the whole time that i have been here, i guess we aren't going to be doing it much at all because no one lets you in. Lets see, our investigators are all doing pretty good. Ryan is still amazing, he had his baptisimal interview last night and passed so he is ready to go. We were originally planning to baptize him on the 7th but we might have to do it on the 8th because he needs to come to church one more time before he can get baptized and this sunday he can't come because he has to take his mom to a hospital in Seoul because she is super sick and her doctors think she might have cancer. So we will probably just have the ì¹¨ë¡€ì‹ after church on the 8th. We went and talked with the little girls dad on sunday and he said he wants them to get baptized so we set their baptisimal date for the 7th. We were pretty excited but we are still a little bit nervous because we don't know how their mom feels about it. The dad seems all for it, and he said that he wants to get baptized in july when he will have sundays off of work but i guess we'll have to just wait and see what happens. Other than that nothing too exciting is happening, we are teaching just a bunch of other random people. Haha we had a pretty cool experience this week, well actually we have pretty cool experiences every day so i guess this one was a really cool experience. On Saturday night we had an appointment with this new college kid at 8pm and waited for him for a while and he never showed up. We had a goal to get one new investigator and we were planning on him becoming one. So when he punked us we only had like 30 minutes before we had to be home and i asked elder andersen as we were walking out of the church how we were going to get our new investigator. He said he didn't know and then i told him ì‹ ì•™ìœ¼ë¡œ which means with faith. Haha i was really kind of just joking around but right when we walked out of the church and we started to go down the stairs there was a kid walking up the stairs. We said hi to him and told him how handsome he was (haha thats our usual approach to people, they love to be called hansome) and we started talking to him about our english/ book of mormon program (i don't think i've ever told you about this before but when we meet most people we teach them english for 30 minutes and then we teach them about the church for 30 minutes). It turned out that he was really interested so we took him into the church and introduced the program and taught him a lesson about the book of mormon. We got a return appointment with him for a couple of days later and so he was a new investigator. Little things like this really have been happening all the time. It's so amazing how the Lord provides ways for us to meet our goals if we just exercise a little bit of faith. I really am so blessed to be in ì‹ ê°ˆ right now, this place is amazing. Missionary work is definitely work, haha i really don't think i have ever been this tired in my entire life, but it's so worth it everytime we meet with our investigators and see the progression they are making. The language is still rough of course but i seem to finally be making a little bit of practice with speaking at least. I still can't understand anything but i did my final pass off with the AP's today and that went really well. Haha i am now a certified teacher of the lessons in korean. Well parents my time is up so i need to run but i love you, and i'll talk to you again next week!
Love Elder Musso
P.S. The pictures are from the day we played soccer and the other one is of me getting attacked by a dog. Haha actually that dog is our homie, it lives right by our church, we live in the ghetto huh?
alright, random story for the Musso fam... We live in a guest house here in Phoenix, while the owners are on a mission in Tokyo. They are actually on a mental health mission (he is a doctor) and they are over the entire Asia area. They travel all around Asia, and guess where they are going in a couple weeks? Yup, to Wess's mission! We told them all about Wess, and they are going to look for him when they are at the conference! Anyway, what a small world this is. I will keep you posted on whether or not they find him :) I love this blog Whit! Way to go!
Our little bro is a freakin STUD!
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