Love ë¬´ì˜ ìž¥ë¡œ
Thursday, May 22, 2008
May 15, 2008
Hey Parents How are you? I am doing good. I can't believe that its already another p-day, the days are starting to go by really fast. So as you know my zone is playing soccer today and i am so pumped! Haha i really have been feining (i don't know how to spell that) for it. My companion has an italy jersey to so we are both gonna wear them, it should be pretty legit! Umm lets see the last couple of days have been pretty interesting. On monday we went on a hike with our ward after we got off the phone and it was so amazing. Those pictures that i sent are from that. Korea really is so beatiful once you get out of the city. Koreans are pretty hard core about hiking, haha all of the ward members showed up in their full hiking outfits and stuff it was funny. Anyways... Lets see nothing else really cool happened on monday. On tuesday we had district meeting and it was really good. My district is so tight i love it. After district meeting i passed off the second lesson to the district leader (i don't know if i told you about the pass off program or not but we have to pass off vocabulary and scriptures and the lessons to the district leader) and after that we had some teaching appointments. We went to the 2 girl's house that were supposed to get baptized on sunday and we taught them the commandments. It was wierd because the dad is always there with us when we teach but this time it was just us, our ward mission leader, and the 2 girls because the dad was at work. After the lesson the girls mom came into the living room and told us that she searched about the church and google and found a bunch of dirt on the church about polygamy and stuff. She freaked out for a little bit and our ward mission leader talked to her but she said that her girls weren't getting baptized this week and she would think about it, and maybe they could get baptized in a few weeks. I was pretty frustrated at this point im not gonna lie. It seems like everytime something is going good, satan comes in and ruins everything! It was really wierd because we talked to the girl's dad about it on sunday night and he said that he wanted his girls to get baptized, and he would help them go to church every week and stuff but then his wife just tripped out. We'll just have to wait and see what happens i guess. Yesterday though we met one of our investigators named Ryan (haha we give all our investigators american names because we can't ever remember their Korean names) and it was amazing. We were talking to him about prayer and about the questions of the soul that the Book of Mormon answers, and he said that everytime he read and prayed about the questions he got answers. So we asked him if he thinks the Book of Mormon was true and he said that he knows it is for sure. It was so cool! All of our investigators are reading the BOM and some of them think it is true but none of them have ever been so solid. Ryan's amazing i love him. He has had a hard time with coming to church because he studies English all day everyday (it's a long story but he wants to get a job and he applied and they told him that he has to speak english better so all he does is study) but we got him to commit to coming to at least sacrament meeting every week. We'll see how it goes, but if he keeps getting answers to his prayers he should be getting baptized within the next few weeks. Hmm thats about all that has happened in the last few days since i talked to you, but i attached some pictures for you. Dad how cool is the harley crew?? Haha sorry the picture is a little shady because i took it from a long way away but it's still awesome. They know how to keep it real in í•œêµ just like we do in america! I hear guys on harleys all the time because our apartment building is right next to a busy street it makes me happy. The picture of us at the temple is from saturday. I forgot to tell you on the phone but it was our wards monthly temple day so we went with them. It was way cool but we had to wake up at 4 in the morning to get to the 6:00 session. The temple is tiny but it's so cool how it is right in the middle of the city. Its super loud and crazy while you walk up to the temple but right when you get in it's quiet and peaceful like always. Anyways my time is about up so i need to go but i miss you and i hope everything is good back home. Pray for me, haha i could really use it Korean is insane! I'll talk to you again next week! I love you
Love ë¬´ì˜ ìž¥ë¡œ

Love ë¬´ì˜ ìž¥ë¡œ
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