Hey Parents! How are you?? I am doing good. This past week was crazy! Can you believe that i have already been in Korea for 6 weeks? Time as a missionary is really wierd, it seems like i haven't been in America in forever but it also doesn't seem like me and Elder Andersen were together for a whole transfer either. So i have some kind of bad news, this morning was transfers and Elder Andersen transfered to Seoul to be a zone leader! President called us on saturday night and told us and i was so mad! Haha missionaries are almost always with their trainers for at least 2 transfers, and they never get left behind in the area after 1! My new companion's name is Elder Dryden. He has been in Korea for like a year and he is from Idaho. I don't know what President was thinking, i'm sure that Elder Dryden is a great missionary but he still doesn't know the area or the members or anything. These next couple of weeks are going to be pretty interesting.. The baptisms on sunday were awesome. I really am soo lucky to have had that much success in my first transfer, a lot of missionaries go months and months without any baptisms. In the picture that i sent you the man on the left is ì´í™˜ë°± ( the girl's dad) the taller girl is ì´í¬ì› (Jessica) the other girl is ì´ëª…ì› (madison) and ì´ìš©ìš° (Ryan) is the stud on the right. Aren't they all just amazing?? The baptism was at the stake center in suwon and a lot of the ward members came so it was fun. Haha everything went pretty smoothly except the water was freezing, and i messed up a little bit on the prayer one of the times, but i didn't have to re-do either of them so it was good.The spirit was super strong the whole time and i was so happy for all of them it was amazing. I thought i would have a ton to tell you about it but that is really all i have, haha i will let you know how the confirmations go on sunday though. Lets see on to the next question.. For meals most of the time we just eat in our aparment. The members always want to feed us but we aren't supposed to eat dinner after 6 and most of the men don't get home until later than that. We are allowed to eat past 6 one night a week so we can eat at member's houses but a lot of the time we are too busy with appointments. On tuesday though we went to one of our ward missionaries house and ate with her and her husband and it was so good. She made us steak, bacon, bread, potatoes (haha i didn't eat the potatoes of course but elder andersen loved them, he actually told her that i was alergic to them i was so thankful for that) and salad. It was soo good to have a meal with meat as the main course! Korean's don't eat much meat, it's usually just rice and kimchee. When we eat at our house we usually just have rice and something along with it. We have been eating a lot of tuna lately because it's way easy, and i have been trying to eat kimchee at least once a day. We also bought some big sheets of see weed and we have been rolling our own sushi lately and that's been good, haha they usually don't turn out all that well but it's still fun to try. We teach or English class at the church in the primary room, haha and yes mom we teach them decent english and not just "gang talk." Our class is every wednesday night from 7-8:30 and usually we have around 15 people there. Haha oh yeah and the slippers that i had on in that picture are from the primary room, you have to take your shoes off to go in so they have slippers that you can wear. I have played soccer 3 times, once with the other missionaries at the olympic stadium, once when i was on exchanges with the zone leaders, and then on saturday morning. The elders in suwon play every saturday morning and they want us to come but it takes like 40 minutes to get there on the bus so they said if we go we have to take an investigator with us. We are meeting with a man that lives in suwon and we talked to him about playing so hopefully we will be able to go every week. On saturday mornings they usually play with 8-10 missionaries and about that many Koreans. As far as the whole letter thing goes, i don't exactly know how long it takes for your letters to get here. I think it probably takes about a week for them to get to the mission home but then i usually don't get them for another week or two because they sit in the office until someone picks them up. How long are my letters taking to get to Melissa? I think they take about a week but im not sure. Well i think i covered all of your questions Mom and i am about out of time so i need to wrap this up, but i love you and miss you so much. Thank you for all of your prayers and keep them coming! Haha i think i am definitely going to need them these next couple of weeks because i'll have to be the senior companion until Elder Dryden gets everything figured out. I hope all is well back in America!
Love Elder Musso
P.S. I want some pictures please!
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