Tuesday, January 6, 2009

January 2, 2009

Hey Parents! How are you? Im doing good. It's actually friday right now and not p-day but the library was closed yesterday because of new years so we couldn't email, which is pretty strange because no one even did anything for new years here, there weren't fire works or anything! The big party is chinese new year and thats not for a couple more weeks. This past week was fun though, it's been a little bit hard to focus and get to work because we have had a bunch of ward parties and stuff but things should be back to normal next week. Yesterday we went hiking with our ward mission leader and that was a lot of fun and then at night we went over to the high priest leader's house and had a new years party. Our ward is so tight i love them. We still can't get 5 lessons with a member a week to save our lives but i think a lot of that has to do with our lack of investigators and not our wards willingness to help us. They are definitely busy but i would like to think if we had the investigators they would help us. We have dropped a couple more people so far this week but we have one kid that is straight gold! I think i might have told you about him already but he is the high school student and we met him on wednesday night and he told us that he had decided to get baptized so we set his date for the 18th. He brought his little brother to meet us on sunday and he seemed really cool to so it would be awesome if we could baptize them together. It really is such a blessing for me to have been able to meet this kid, he has been a miracle since day one. I can't remember if i told you this or not but we didn't even start talking to him on the street when we first met him. We were walking and he came running out of a resturaunt to talk to us and he had our card and his cell phone in his hand and he said that he was just dialing our number to call us! He is amazing. Our other kid with a baptismal date is doing army training for the next two weeks so we won't be able to talk to him or meet him. It will probably be a litte bit of a stretch for him to be baptized on the 18th like we had planned but hopefully he is still praying even though he's in 군대. Other then those two we don't have a whole lot going but we have been contacting for like 5 hours a day every day lately so we will find people. We don't always find as many as we would like or as quickly as we would like but they always come. Oh yeah i forgot to tell you that we had transfers again this week. Nothing changed, i am still with my comp and still in 수지. I wanted to go pretty bad, being in the same area for 6 months is a long time, but it will be a blessing to stay. I already know the ward and the area and not to mention the baptisms that we'll have. 3 transfers with one companion will be a little hard. Elder Woodbury and i get along really well but it gets a little monotonous at times, haha we have talked about just about everything there is to talk about. It will be good though, it would be a bummer to leave an area in a low spot like we're at. Anyways parents that's about all i have to report and my time is about up. Happy new year! I like dad's new years resolution about scripture study and prayer, they really are the source of soo much knowledge and power. There's no way i could survive without them out here. Thank you for the prayers and please keep them coming, we need them! I love you and hope you're having a good week!

Love Elder Musso

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